Wednesday, October 30, 2013


By Carlos Pinho

Having resisted for as long as I could the need to join Facebook, I was forced to do so in order to stave off a very vicious, very virulent attack on my employer’s reputation and integrity that went viral on Facebook and other social media platforms.

Reluctantly I ‘signed-up’ despite my continuing concerns around privacy issues, and created both a private and company profile. Though it took time and every trick in the book I could muster, I was able to get this mess sorted out, and was able to convince both page owners to take down their sites.

A friend mentioned to me, via Facebook, that her husband refuses to go anywhere near it, contending that it is a place for ‘gagging’, nagging’ and ‘bragging’. This got me thinking and I’m slowly starting to think he may have a point.

I find I’m logging in less and less these days, in favour of ‘serious’ networking sites. Facebook has the constant “checker’s in'ers”, "mayors of Foursquare", “mass taggers”, “spammers posing as friends”, the "Twitterati Glitterati" and then endless photos of baby and the family pooch. Daniel Zeevi puts it well in his article

Which gets me to my original question. 

Is Facebook a playground or can one really do business “in” it?

Any thoughts?

Copyright © Carlos Pinho 2013

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